
Getting real about Muslim media representation

Young people in Shepparton share their opinion


What’s your take on Muslim media representation in Australia?

We went to Shepparton, Victoria to hear from a group of young people about this and more.

When it comes to media representation, Ali wants Muslims to speak for themselves and Shepparton sets an example. He says: “It’s important to put Muslims in the media, but let Muslims speak for Muslims. Especially here in Shepparton, our media has portrayed Muslims in an amazing way. Showing the beauty of unity, the beauty of peace when we all come together.”

Abdul wants to know how to make that happen. He asks: “What do you guys think can be done about improving the representation of Muslims in the media?”

Mustafa says: “I personally believe there’s a lack of Muslim advocates that are actually in the media currently.”

For Zahra, this lack of representation is in the creative side of the media too. She says: “I feel like the reason some people don’t really go into that writing and producing, that more creative side, is because they don’t see a lot of Muslims there.” 

Afrah has faith that Muslim media representation can improve. She says: “It only takes one person.”

Zahra agrees and has a powerful message: “Don’t be afraid to be the first one.”

Watch the full conversation in Shepparton below.